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The Week’s Top News at a Glance

2020 was a year that many wanted to turn away from the news as reality was not so comfortable to hear. People looked for other sources rather than to figure out how Covid-19 was doing. With hopes for a vaccine coming in full swing, humanity has once again emerged from the past that was more like a haunted story. But since we cannot escape reality, we are here to tell you all about the week’s top news.

The LGBT Community and the Pandemic

We are all aware of how the pandemic ruined our lives and even claimed a few of our loved ones. But to understand the extent to which it affected people, we need to look into the drastic effect it has on communities. To be more specific, we are talking about the LGBT community and how Covid-19 has a bigger impact on them. High unemployment rates and other top challenges were common scenarios for the LGBT community. But with Covid-19 entering the scene, things got out of hand.

Numerous LGBT households were affected, with about 64% of them experiencing job losses.

The State of the Vaccine

Everyone’s waiting for news about the vaccine, and here’s what you need to know about the same. With FDA’s approval, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has been authorized for emergency use and will be delivered to 145 hospitals, public health systems, and clinics. As of Monday, recipients have already begun receiving the first doses. While news about side effects was claimed to be true, doctors clarified that it is quite normal and one is bound to experience the same.

LGBT Community

When it comes to distribution, the preparedness varies according to how well a state’s health department is funded, the effect of the pandemic, and so on.

The Proud Boys

Updates from organizations like the Proud Boys is not something one wants to hear, but we have to look at all that is happening. On that front, LGBT-owned clothing company, Verillas stated its displeasure after the group Proud Boys were seen wearing their kilts. The company came out strongly, stating that they are against the organization and all that they stand for. Popularly known as a hateful group, Proud Boys were seen weaning the kilts at a rally that was organized in support of Trump.


With the vaccine coming in as positive news, there is something to look forward to as the year 2020 comes to an end. Moreover, since people are united against hateful organizations like the Proud Boys, one can expect more outrage from all they do in 2021. Hence, we need to be ready for the next year as we need to fight the virus and put it to an end.